Category: Deck Discussion
Drakes for Achrom – Bringing the Achrometer down
The fate of Draco Planum is being decided and I’m fighting for Achrom because who doesn’t want more Drakes and cool Black Dragons? Below you can see the Achrometer (click Season for the current season) to see where it currently lies You can play with any deck during the Season and it still counts towards…
Hex Clunker visits the Cove
Not long ago Hex Clunker wasn’t a great deck but with the RotRR expansion Hex Clunker got a lot of upgrades – Cintimani Stone, Hex Clunker Parts, Achrom Converter and more elevated this into a top tier deck and before Rayders was considered to be the “Unbeatable deck” in the format that needed a nerf.…
Rayders Deep Dive
It’s the time you’ve all been waiting for, hearing rumblings of a disgusting Ray trading deck and here it is. The deck has done incredibly well the last few weeks doing very well in testing and getting 1st (27-1) at the Hidden Gem Tournament and 1st (14-1) & joint 3rd at the Achroma Grand Tournament,…