That’s right we have an exclusive reveal for you today, one of the locations from Altari. We know you don’t want to wait but first up lets look at two other Legendries revealed yesterday
First up we have Hularla which is very interesting, and basically the opposite of Guardians of Flutterby Falls, instead of being able to defend not on your turn Hularla is a Character ONLY during your turn so can attack during your turn if you want. It also has a +4(!) resolve meaning it has an effective cost of 2 on the turn you play it and it can freeze a card once per turn. This legend is certainly going to pack a punch.
Next we have Mist Morgana, as you can see now these are both Gods one for Chroma and one for Achrom. This thing looks spooky and at 5 cost is expensive but is the effect worth it? -2 resolve is pretty good but the ability is what we want. Removing another characters ability and forcing them to attack next turn.
That means Huxon will lose his resolve effects, Kelby will lose PROTECTION and DIVERT, Copper Joss loses Splat and Can’t be Attacked and if that wasn’t enough cards like Torstein also lose “can’t be erased” this is one of the ultimate removal cards and I’m sure will see some play in Achrom Decks.
Those two legends are for sure going to shake up the game but you aren’t here for me to ramble about cards you’ve already seen so lets get into the reveal.
First up this card is beautiful (It certainly helps that yellow is my favourite colour), I’m really hoping we get a playmat with this art expanded on it. The location type Altari Skies suggests that maybe there are floating islands in Altari too but we’ll have to wait for more on that one.
The art is very clearly based on a birch forest but really emphasizing that golden look giving a really beautiful look, it has very peaceful making it’s gameplay effect very fitting.
So where does the card fit in? Well having a natural resolve of +1 for 3 cost you are certainly going to want to play it for it’s effect which means if you aren’t playing against HUNT it could be a bit of a dead card but what about if you are playing HUNT? Well considering the number of decks running Cintimani Stone and CLAIM/Role Reversal effects it could actually have a place in your HUNT deck to help protect your board state from the effects of your own cards in these scenarios meaning your opponents get much less value from stealing your HUNT cards.
Let us know where you plan to use Yellow Flare Forest in your palette builds. Don’t forget you can use the Achroma Tools Deck Builder which has been updated with pre-release versions of all the cards revealed so far as well and if you need to order your cards you can do so with the code “achromatools” at checkout of 10% off and support the site.
Also be sure to check the other reveals coming today from Draco Temple and Playing Achroma
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